We offer a wide range of funky house plants at our store. This list includes the plants we most often have in stock. Our plant sizes range from 4 inches to full grown. If you have questions about what we have in stock or want to place an order for in store pickup, please feel free to call our store at 541-344-3857.
Pink Panther
Pilea Baby Tears
Burro’s Tail
Calathea Ornata
Peperomia Teardrop
Lemon Lime Dracaena
Umbrella Plant
Pilea Moon Valley
Snake Plant Black Coral
Pilea Peperomioides
Golden Pothos
Tradescantia Nanouk
Ficus Lyrata
Philodendron Birkin
Calathea Ornata
ZZ Plant
Leap Frog Pepperonia
Fishbone Cactus
Peperomia Caperata
Rattlesnake Calathea
Staghorn Fern
Ficus Elastica Robusta
Ponytail Palm
Ficus Elastica Tineke
Hoya Kerrii
Monstera Adansonii